What Dietetics Means to Me

My name is Mackenzie Callahan and I am currently an undergraduate student in the Medical Dietetics program at The Ohio State University. I am getting closer and closer to becoming a Registered Dietitian and can’t wait to start my career! Being a registered dietitian is something that immediately appealed to me as I was searching for a major at The Ohio State University. I have always loved making meaningful connections with others and helping them to improve their lives. Dietetics offers the perfect venue to positively impact someone. Through cooking, eating, and sharing food we can nourish ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. Being a registered dietitian will allow me to share my love of food and the benefits a balanced diet can bring to our lives. I can’t imagine anything better than this! 
                I wanted to begin a blog that could help me to share both my love of food and my love of helping others, so I am finally doing it! During all of my schooling I have gained so much knowledge, but more importantly I have learned how to decipher all of the information that is around me everyday to make the right decision for my health and myself.  As a future dietitian my goal is to teach individuals to also weave through the maze of information that is thrown at them daily to make the best decisions for themselves.
                As a person who is continually making an effort to improve myself I am constantly running into new challenges. I want to use this blog as a place to share some of the solutions I have come up with as I face challenges so that they can help others to make solutions for themselves. Before sharing any of these solutions I have come up with, there are two things that I think need to be realized before anyone can start on their journey of self-improvement…
                First, to make the best decisions for yourself I believe it is imperative that you get to know yourself.  Take time to figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. Never expect any program or person to be able to tell you what’s best for you. Only you know and are in control of what you do. This is something that can be hard to learn. I personally often find myself trying to do what others say is the right thing, but when it comes down to it I have found that I am most successful when I listen to my intuition and do what I know is right for me!
                Secondly, life is meant to be enjoyed. Not only do you need to do what is right for you, but you also need to do what makes you happy. If something feels like a sacrifice and is not improving your life then you probably won’t stick with it for very long. Making changes is a challenge, but you need to find that balance for you! What things in your daily life can you change to make you a more productive, happy, and healthy person without feeling like you are punishing yourself?
                Keeping these two philosophies in mind I hope you all can begin your journey of self-improvement with a new view! Best of luck and happy reading!


  1. Hey Mackenzie, I have a question for you. What are some tips I could use to boost my metabolism? I heard something like drink hot drinks in the morning would help. Is that true?

    1. Good question! I'll have to do a little research and get back to you :) Maybe this can be a featured post!
