Sunday, March 4, 2012

"Reduced Sodium"

              As a future dietitian I think one of the most important things is to know FOOD. (So… I guess it’s a good thing I can get lost in the grocery store for hours at a time even when I really only have a few minutes.) I love everything about going to the grocery. I love exploring the isles and finding new products or old favorites. Looking at all the food inspires me to come up with new meal and snack ideas.
I also can’t resist looking at the nutrition labels. I find it interesting to compare different brands and even more interesting to investigate claims on the front of the products. For example, what exactly does "reduced sodium" mean? Reduced sodium compared to what? “ 25 % Less Sugar”! 25% less than what? "good source of fiber"? Whats the definition of a good source of fiber? Maybe it’s the college student or the future dietitian in me, but I can’t seem to stop asking myself these questions. And each time I ask myself one of these questions I try to find the answer.
              Through this blog I hope to share some of what I have found in hopes that it will help you to choose the best products for you and your family! 


  1. Mackenzie, I am so excited you started a blog! Welcome to my world :) I love going grocery shopping too and can't wait to read your tips!

  2. Britt, Thanks for the support! I love reading your blog and hope I can keep up with mine as well as you do!
